Before I left for Chile, my friends from my Spanish class at school gave me a present. It was a book of memories basically . . . all the good times we'd had in Spanish class over the past years. Without ¡Listos!, I don't know where I'd be with my Spanish. Those weekly irregular verb tests, writing practices that we did, were all made easier, gracias to our ¡Listos!

Of course, being given just the plain textbook is a bit boring. So instead of an actual textbook - because stealing is bad, and the books belong to my school in NZ - they photocopied all the pages that would come in handy for me.
This is the inside cover, with the school stamp, and a photo of my Spanish buddies after our Spanish exam.

The additional bit of writing outlined in green says 'When I finish in the university, I want to marry and have a family. A divorce is sometimes necessary. I have experience.'

This is the section where we learnt how to read, write, listen and speak about drug dependancy. Drugs however, are a big no-no. Salchichas locas, no necesito eso!

Around some of the pages, they practiced their Spanish writing.

My host brother finds this part hilarious . . .

And of course I have to live with the possiblity I might get ill . . .

On the right, are the different forms of the verb, we even had a song to remember them.

The back cover.

Without my ¡Listos!, I don't know where I'd be. So a huge shout out to my Spanish buddies for this!
*gasp* Listos... Listos books are sucky but yours looks much cooler :)
Thought i'd leave another comment just to make sure you know that people are still reading your blog!
I really enjoy reading your blog. I had to laugh when you said that you were waiting at one church in the city, and your friends at the other! That happened in a movie I saw recently,it was a couple that hadnt seen each other in years, and the man and woman were standing at different fountains!
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