My Spanish is improving, and it makes life a lot more easier and fun to be able to talk and joke again. Sarcasm doesn't exist here, however, but that's okay because it's not that funny anyway.
I'm feeling a lot closer to my classmates, and I think Chileans can be so sweet at times. One of my classmates, Pedro, left the class last Friday because he is moving to another city in Chile, and his friends bought a banner to school that everyone was decorating and leaving messages on, and I didn't think they would be the type of people to do that. But it was so lovely, and after class everyone stayed behind to wish him luck and take final photos, and several of the girls were crying. And they presented him with the banner. Then yesterday was the birthday of one of the boys in my class, and his best friend in the class walked in late to our Lenguaje lesson with a birthday cake for him, and e
veryone started singing 'Cumpleanos Feliz' and hugging him on his birthday.
Us farewelling 'Peggy'

Me and som of my friends at school (Emily, me, Sofia, Erica and Andrea)

I have also made a few more language mistakes. On Thursday I was feeling really tired, despite having slept for a good eight hours the night before, and one of the girls in my class asked me what was the matter. I told her I was so tired, but I have had a lot of sleep last night. But my pronounciation wasn't right, so it ended up sounding like I said I was tired because I'd drank too much last night!
The other one was today, when my host sisters and I were joking about how much percent certain my 14yr old host sister was that she didn't like a guy. We were going up in percentages, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%, so I meant to say 'one million percent', but my pronounciation sucked, and instead I said 'a melon percent'.
This month I've felt myself become much more accustomed to the ways of my host family and of Chilean culture in general.
I've learnt to fold the socks differently, unplug appliances when they're not in use all the time, to get up to wash my face then go back to bed because I don't want to be using the bathroom when my host sister has her shower, and it's too early to get up. I'm used to breakfasting on either cereal and coffe, or jam rolls and coffee. I am used to taking my lunch to school and heating it up in the microwave, I'm used to kissing my friends on the cheek to greet them, I'm used to not knowing what is going to happen and just going along with what does happen, but most of all, I feel I'm getting used to considering myself a New Zealand-Chilean. And dealing with the fact that although I've only been here two months, the day that I leave is going to be a sad, sad, day.
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